New Fox Joins the Den for 2008!!!
LARS Fox Hunt of 29 March 2008
By Jim Russell N4ICU, a.k.a. the "Sneaky Fox"

	After charging the batteries for two days, I went to sleep.  Awakening the 
next morning meant the hunt was on.  Piled all the radios, camera, GPS and batteries 
into the car and headed into London.  Went to find Stanley, KD4ERF, and met him 
and Virginia there.  We decided to go separate ways to the park. My FOX was placed 
under some leaves at the porch of the Museum at Levi Jackson.  FOX consisted of an 
ICOM IC2-AT, with the Fox controller and a gel-cell battery pack all sitting on a plastic 
sack to keep the water from the radio stuff.  Then the FOX was turned on at 10:00 AM 
and this was covered with leaves. Also, Stanley was using a PicConn with an HT using 
it as the Tweety Bird FOX!

GPS said  37° 05.089' N
	    84° 03.049 W
	    1200 feet amsl

The 146.61 rpt, was used by the hounds and the following was transcribed 
from that.

10:00	FOXes were turned on; Jim announced on 146.61 that FOX was on
10:06	Leland, KE4FGL, phoned me to see if Fox was on the air!
10:08	Peter, KJ4ND, said he was going to get another reading
10:08	Leland said he still couldn't get a reading
10:37	Peter called Stanley
10:45	Peter just showed up here on top of the hill with me
10:45	Peter walking around with HT without an antenna
10:49	Peter has his beams out and is now heading in the Wrong direction
10:52	Someone is down at the Museum in a big silver car, still don't know who.
10:53	He got out of big silver car, looked around, got in car and drove off.
10:55	Leland just got here and is using an HT both with and without an antenna
11:00	Peter is still here on top of hill looking under logs and piles of leaves
11:01	Peter is crawling over the trees to look under the logs
11:14	KG4UVN??, Tony and his son, Austin, just showed up.
11:20	Tony is on top of hill with Peter looking for the Museum FOX.
11:32	Peter has left the hill top, where did he go? Leland still here.
11:33	Peter is at the Museum looking around
11:34	Stanley informs me that Peter has found the FOX at 11:31
11:38	Leland and Tony found the FOX
11:45	Peter, Tony, Leland and Austin are still looking for the Tweety Bird FOX
11:46	Leland almost stepped on it, but kept right on walking
11:49	Leland is still up hill, down hill looking, with Peter, Tony and Austin
11:52	Leland found Stanley's Tweety Bird FOX first, then Austin , Peter and Tony

N4ICU FOX was at Levi Jackson Park on the one way road at the Museum.

	After the hunt we enjoyed the conversations about radios, antennas, 
radio propagation, church sound systems and how all this interacts!  I, N4ICU had 
a really great time this morning and was glad to see more hounds out 
for the FOX(s),

73 & GOD Bless
Jim  BJ  N4ICU    FOX ,   Fox -  leaf covered Fox - slightly chilled Fox    
                               Not so sneaky Fox this time !!!
P.S. Why would anyone think of us as SNEAKY?

73 & GOD Bless
Jim, Fox, FOX, Sneaky, N4ICU ………………..
Laurel Amateur Radio Society
Fox Hunt Pictures - March 29, 2008 Courtesy of Jim Russell N4ICU, the "Sneaky Fox"